From: []
Sent: 07 September 1997 04:51
Subject: Of Liberals , Eurocentrics and Africans
Hello ,
Do you really have credibility among Africans ?
I find your organisation somewhat intriguing. your aims appear lofty and ambitious but
given the history and nature of south African politics, do you think you really have much
credibility among the majority of South Africans, specifically the Afican population ?
without credibility you might as well forget about your organisation's effectiveness.
Looking at your people mentioned you appear to be an intellectual version of the
Democratic party - Eurocentric, arrogant, hypocrytical ( in terms of claiming credit for
opposing apartheid) and of no appeal whatsoever to the African people.
Those of us Africans who hjave been reading the Times of London over the years ,
particularly since the release of President Mandela from Jail,
are very familiar with the highly partisan and anti-ANC writings of RW Johnson. thankfully
most of his writings have been proved to reflect the
world as he would like it to be and not as it is. He in particular has no credibility as
an objective and independent thinker.
South Africa obviously needs independent thinkers and a dynamic and liberal socio-economic
system . However , arrogant , Eurocentric and racist thinking of the kind your
people like RW Johnson spew out regularly will not wash with the African people of South
Perhaps you need to do a bit more learning and a lot less pontificating.
Yours Sincerely,
[Assist/Helen Suzmann - Connie]
Dear Mr Ganyobi,
Thankyou very much for your e-mail. I assure you I am no racist. Both my brother and
sister married Africans and I have a much beloved black niece. I would hardly have
relocated back to majority ruled South Africa if I were a racist. For many years I was
unable to come back precisely because my opposition to apartheid had upset the security
police a good deal. I don't particularly want to "claim credit" for that - but
nor do I feel in the slightest bit guilty about anything. I hope you don't either.
Yes, I probably am Eurocentric. So, doubtless, are you. Think of some of the things that
come here from Europe: nationalism, trade unions, Karl Marx, socialism, bills of rights,
constitutions, proportional representation, the institution of the presidency,
soccer, athletics, universities, technikons, schools..... Aren't you in favour of any of
these things ? But I'm Afrocentric too. I am, a citizen of SA, love the place and gave up
a comfortable job in the UK to come back and live here. And say just what I want and write
just what I want: that's part of democracy, which I hope you are in favour of too.
Arrogant ? Well, I hope not but it really isn't for me to say. I'm not surprised you don't
like The Times - I don't like it much myself either. It's too conservative for me. I do
also publish a lot, you know, in left wing papers like the New Statesman, Prospect, the
London Review of Books, Dissent etc. Currently, the marxist journal, New Left Review, is
asking me for an article. I really don't think people right across the spectrum would keep
asking me to write for them unless they thought I was objective. I'm sure you can't
seriously imagine that I will stop doing what so many other people want me to do. I don't
think it shows a very democratic spirit to tell anyone to stop saying what they think and
writing what they like. I will entirely respect your right to do just the same.
Finally, you pose the question of credibility among Africans. I really don't know. Nor can
you or anyone else really speak for all Africans like that. To be frank, people of any
colour are entitled to think whatever they like about me. As a good liberal, I believe
they all have a right to their own opinions and I hope there are many different opinions,
not just one per racial group ! Personally, I shall continue to write and speak just as I
wish. That's my right.
Thankyou for writing.If you would like to subscribe to the Foundation's publications (they
are free) you would find much there of interest, I think. Do let me know if you'd like to.
Yours sincerely,
R.W. Johnson